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Happy New Year 2017

Written by Dom Bush | 05 Jan 2017

Hello and a slightly belated happy new year and best wishes for 2017 from all of us here at BDQ.

We hope that your first week back to work is going well and that you're not drowning under emails following the festive break - see Beat email overload with JIRA Service Desk and catWorkX for some tips about how to turn over a new leaf with handling email.

This time of year is a great opportunity to reflect on the past and look forward to what is to come. For BDQ 2016 was a very exciting year and 2017 seems set to accelerate the progress that we made.

It wouldn't have been possible without the great customers that worked with us during the year and so thanks are in order. We appreciate the confidence that you've placed in us, enjoyed the challenge of getting to understand your requirements and delivering tangible benefits to your projects. Looking forward to working with many of you again in the coming year.

We also worked with some great partners: Atlassian and Zephyr. It has been a real pleasure to work with two such innovative companies that address such critical aspects of the development process. We can also say that the old adage that a company is only as good as it's people holds true here; exceptional people = exceptional products.

Looking forward to the year to come, we are very excited at what we have planned. We can't let the cat out of the bag at the moment but watch this space.

Do you have any new years resolutions that we can help with? Unfortunately we can't make it easier to get to the gym, eat healthier or other common resolutions but we can help you get your Atlassian and Zephyr projects off to the best possible starts.

Get in touch and let's talk about what you need.